Link Love: January 30

Here we are again, you guys. The end of another week (ohthankgod). It’s been a rough one, but the fact that I’ve been running around like a maniac working on multiple projects must mean that I’m doing something right.

Anyways. I’ve managed to pause here and there to squeeze some reading in:

Share your own favorite reads in the comments, along with whatever you’d like to brag about having accomplishes this week!


  1. I’m yet to discover a method of intergrating twitter that I like. Part of this is the limitations of WordPress. I think my only option will be at some point to redsign the website from a basic blog format into a full blown webpage. Of course that would take time that I don’t have. I

  2. Thanks for the mention.

    Good roundup, I especially liked the article about getting through to reluctant sources.

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