It’s been a lazy week. Lazy, as in I was so thrown off by Wednesday’s on-site copy editing gig in Brooklyn that I was too lazy to post here on either Wednesday or Thursday. Will you forgive me if I provide you with some alternate reading material?
- 10,000 Words’ The Top 7 Mistakes New Twitter Users Make
- Mashable’s HOW TO: Find a Job on Twitter
- Freelance Switch’s 25 Stress Relief Tips for the Overworked Freelancer
I’d also like to share with you one of my favorite quotes, from Walt Whitman:
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.”
I love this quote because it reminds me that all of the things I want to do do not represent a lack of focus, but rather illustrate the ways in which I, also, contain multitudes. I’ve always thought that the freelance life lent itself to the pursuit of multiple passions. Have a good weekend all!
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