Got Jumper Cables? My Career Is Stalled

Sometimes, when I’m at the office, I’ll finish up a project and be completely unable to start something new, just because there’s a meeting in 30 minutes. And even if it’s totally possible for me to whip up a blog post within those 30 minutes and set it to go live, I won’t.

Because my mind is occupied with waiting.

And that’s pretty much how I’ve been feeling these past two weeks.

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February 2010 Monthly Goal Meetup

Lordy, it’s shaping up to be quite the month. Things at YourTango continue to get even busier (who knew that was possible?), and my ongoing copywriting project soldiers on. I’m also leading a team in Freelance Success‘s biannual Query Challenge, and I spent yesterday doing some market research at Barnes & Noble, and sending out query letters and LOIs. I’m loving my team. They’re so…motivated. It’s gonna be a trip to keep up with them!

But let’s hold off on February for the moment. How did I do last month?

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Link Love: January 31, 2010

It’s been a good week. I’ve been ridiculously busy at the office. I’ve been ridiculously busy at home. And it seems that query challenge karma alone is bringing new opportunities my way. (At the moment, I’m at Barnes & Noble, working on my ongoing copywriting project and doing some market research.) Before I dive back into work, I wanted to share with you this week’s link love:

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How To Pitch: The Basics

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I don’t typically write about writing here. Or at least I try not to. Not directly.

I try to keep my content inclusive to all freelancers, despite how obvious it is that I’m a total booktard, and a slave to producing content.

But this past Monday marked the beginning of the FLX Query Challenge, a friendly, biannual competition in which teams rack up points depending upon how many queries they send out each week, and how many assignments they land. I’ve been on a pitching hiatus for awhile now — due to my new job at YourTango, my career coaching certification program, and an ongoing copywriting project — but I’m excited to start putting out feelers again … especially since I’m a team leader this time around.

So for all those writers out there — writers who are trying to get back into the pitching rhythm, writers who have been pitching all along (show-offs), and writers who are just starting out — I thought I’d put up a refresher on the pitch process.

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The Road To Freelance Success Is Paved with Good Karma

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Work has been pretty damn good lately (aside from the occasional seasonal slump). And — conceited as it may sound — I credit myself for a lot of that. After all, I’m the one who got me here. When I was unhappy at my 9-to-5, and daydreaming about freelancedom, I figured out the steps I’d need to take in order to make it work, and then took them. I self-educated myself with a shit-ton of how-to books. I took writing and pitching classes through MediaBistro and at the New School. I attended a ton of MediaBistro networking events, and formed a writing group. I secured a freelance gig before jumping ship and, during the transitional period, was working two jobs at once. And when I’d left my 9-to-5 behind, I took on another unpaid, post-college internship in order to gain more experience, contacts, and clips.

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Link Love: January 24, 2010

I seem to be pulling out of that slump I was in for the past couple of weeks with my at-home freelance work. My copywriting is going faster, and easier, and I’m also feeling fired up for Freelance Success‘s regular query challenge, which starts tomorrow, and for which I’m actually a team leader (talk about accountability…). On top of all that, I’m loving my part-time, on-site job more and more every day (which happens to make life — and my commute — a lot less gloomy). How is everyone else weathering the long winter?

Okay, okay. I know what you’re here for. This week’s link love:

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YourTango Is Hiring Editorial Interns. Put Your Career in My Hands.

Hey guys! In my new role as Assistant Editor at, I am responsible for hiring editorial interns, and it’s about time for me to seek the next batch. Interested?

YourTango is a fast-growing online media company/web mag that provides content devoted to love and relationships. We’re seeking a motivated editorial intern to join the YourTango team. Responsibilities include:

– writing for our news/trends/celebrity blogs
– contributing content ideas for video, features, photo galleries, etc.
– photo research and editing
– social media marketing
– and content production.


—Excellent writing skills
—Photoshop experience
—Familiarity with online media (basic HTML, CMS experience, knowledge of SEO)
—Ability to commit to a part-time 4-month–or full-time 3-month–internship

A small stipend or college credit is available.

If you’re interested, you should e-mail me with your resume, cover letter, and a sample blog post (previously published blog posts are also accepted).

Well come on, guys! Send along those writing samples! And if you know someone else who might be interested, pass it along!

When Every Day Is Sunday

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Early yesterday, Marie Claire tweeted a link to a group of articles they have online, on how to beat the Sunday blues. Funny, that. Lately, it feels as if every day is Sunday.

Do you ever have weeks like that?

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Link Love: January 17, 2010

I hope you’ll forgive the lack of original content around here lately. I’ve been looking for a way to get my freelance groove back but, for the moment, it eludes me. This is partly because I’m enjoying my office job so much. I’m really into the work they’re giving me, and I’m allowing it to spill into my at-home life (naughty, naughty). I’ve also been feeling groggy, and blocked when it comes to the big copywriting project I’m working on. When I’m writing something good, I can feel it. My pulse races. I’m totally psyched. And it’s fairly easy for me to whip up a first draft. But lately, it’s been like pulling teeth, and this makes me nervous. I feel as if I can’t force it but, at the same time, it needs to get done. Soon. Any advice for me?

But that’s not what you’re here for! This past week’s link love:

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Link Love: January 10, 2010

This past weekend, I did something truly revolutionary: I didn’t do a damn bit of work. Instead, I spent a day cleaning the condo. I threw a party. I caught up with people I hadn’t seen in eons, due to my all-encompassing absorption with my work. I took down the Christmas decorations. I even enjoyed a leisurely lunch out with my husband. Tonight? My husband and I are meeting up with a group of friends to see Avatar at the IMAX theater. Work? What work? I’ve been completely unproductive. But it’s nice to feel a part of the world again.

Before I head out to the theater, here’s your weekly link love:

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