Well here we are. Another month (and…erm…an extra week) gone by. Time to face the music. ::winces::
Last month’s goals:
From Bunny Slippers to Business Plans
Well here we are. Another month (and…erm…an extra week) gone by. Time to face the music. ::winces::
Last month’s goals:
2009 is behind us, and good riddance to it. Though it ended on a high note — with big-money projects, the start of my career coaching certification program, and a new job — the bulk of it was a struggle, due to a continuing downward spiral in my income. I worked my booty off, though, which is why I’m so convinced that 2010 is going to rock extra hard.
In fact, I had hoped to end things, and kick 2010 off, with a bang by taking my final career coaching exam this past Wednesday, but I was struck down with a stomach bug that day, and have been laid low by that ever since (blech). Since I’m so nervous about passing (because I’m a neurotic maniac), I decided to hold off until I was feeling my best. Still, the week was a good one. I was extra-productive at the office on Monday and Tuesday, and was even included on Marie Claire’s Twitters Every Woman Should Follow list, in the career section. It felt good to be recognized as a career writer, especially after being pigeonholed as a sex writer for so long.
Here’s hoping 2010 rocks for all of us. And now, your link love:
[Photo via]
It’s a few days before the new year, and I’m one of just four people in the office. It’s silent. Still. There is only the muffled sound of keyboards clacking, and the occasional clanging of my spoon against my mug when I stir some soy milk into yet another cup of coffee. Despite remnants of holiday-related exhaustion, I find myself getting a lot done. I enjoy the quiet hush in the air, and don’t mind the fact that I had to walk 15 freezing-cold blocks to get here. I’ve been spoiled by two years of working from home full-time, but there’s something about the complete lack of distractions that leaves me content.
It was the same over the weekend, in the days between Christmas and the final work week of 2009. Without any wild party plans, my husband and I worked through the weekend, him at a partner’s house and me in my bedroom. I did some stockpiling for YourTango, and completed my career coaching textbook and workbook. (I also vegged out in front of an NCIS DVD and read Elizabeth Gilbert’s Committed, so don’t think that I didn’t get in my fair share of relaxing.)
It felt good. Because, for the past month, I had felt overwhelmed, struggling to get used to my new on-site schedule while still rushing to meet deadlines for already-existing clients. It was nice to finally be working when no one else was…with no one breathing down my neck.
What are my favorite things about working in the off-hours?
Merry Christmas from me and the fam! (We’re all so excited, we’re doing jazz hands for you.)
I am, at this moment, probably exchanging gifts with my husband (I totally bought him a stress ball shaped like a boob from the Museum of Sex! Among other things…). But I still wanted to give those of you still hooked up to your computers something to read today. After the jump, this week’s link love:
Is it just me, or are the holidays seriously kicking ass this year? And by “kicking ass,” I mean “kickingĂ‚Â my ass.” Just this past Sunday, I spent seven hours (yes, seven hours) baking Christmas cookies with my mom. We made tassies, crescents, cookie bars, magic cookie bars, and butter cookies. Back in the days when I used to refuse to help my mother in the kitchen, the baking of the Christmas cookies was the only thing that got me to roll up my sleeves and wield the hand mixer. Now, it’s a tradition I can’t live without.
I know that this has absolutely nothing to do with freelancing, but I wanted to thank you all for being here for me. For sharing insights, advice, and your own personal stories. It means a lot to me.
So here it is. The recipe for Tassies, my most favorite cookie of all time (and that’s saying a lot, because I’m pretty much a human garbage disposal):
Hey there guys! Before I give you your link love for the week, I’d like to indulge in a little bit of self-promotion. I’m thrilled and honored to report that Brazen Careerist has named me as one of the nominees in their Top 50 Blog Posts of 2009/Blogger of the Year contest! There are a lot of great writers on the list, and it feels pretty darn good to be among them. If you find me worthy of top honors, however, I’d appreciate your vote! Instructions — and a link to the other nominees — are at the link above but, really, all you have to do is tweet the following:
I’m voting for @stephauteri’s post in the #Brazen Careerist #BestOf 2009 contest: http://bit.ly/UaRsw
Hashtags, URL, and all. (That link, by the way, leads to my winning blog post.) I’d appreciate any Twitter love you can give me! (Plus, your votes enter you for a chance to win a Starbucks gift card. Coffee = Major Win.)
And now that I’ve gotten that out of the way… [Read more…]
[Photo via]
I’ve been feeling a little anxious lately. I commute into an office three days a week now, leaving a lot less time for my other projects. I have a major magazine piece I’ve been meaning to tie up for months (this is what happens when my deadline gets extended). I’ve been struggling with a project outline for another client, stressing out about getting it wrong. And Christmas has sort of snuck up on me. There are still gifts to be bought, other gifts to be wrapped, cookies to be baked, and cards to be sent. All within the next week. Not only that, but I’m already feeling burnt out, and I have major problems with procrastination.
Yesterday, I talked to my mentor coach about procrastination, motivation, and low energy levels. I told her how I tend to put off large projects, intimidated by their scope, telling myself that there’s still time, yet feeling heart palpitations every time I think about the fact that they’re unfinished. Then, once I finally tackle the project (in the eleventh hour, of course), I’m blown away by how easy it is, wondering over how I had been worrying all this time about nothing. (Miraculously, using this tactic has never caused me to miss a deadline.) I tell her how I wish I could get things done early, instead of causing myself undue stress over an extended period of time. I tell her about my low energy levels. My exhaustion. My CFS. We brainstorm.
Last night, my career coaching teleclass centered around the discovery and pursuit of life purpose and authentic vocation. We discussed what it might feel like to be working within one’s authentic vocation, in a career that was in line with one’s life purpose. People threw out words like “flow” and “essence.” They described the experience of working for hours without even feeling the time slip away. They talked about being exhausted…in a good way. And it made me realize that, despite how overwhelmed I’ve been feeling lately, I’m also exhausted…in a good way. Which leads me to believe that I’m on the right path.
Hey there. Remember me? I’m Steph, your friendly neighborhood blogger, who just happened to drop off the face of the blogosphere due to her new, part-time freelance gig as Assistant Editor for YourTango, in addition to other copywriting, newspaper, and magazine deadlines. And career coaching teleclasses. Not to mention Christmas.
As you can imagine, I’ve saved up quite a few links for your reading pleasure in the past few weeks. Please read them instead of dwelling upon how I’ve let you down:
I am sitting in bed with my laptop right now, desperately fighting the urge to take a nap, as I have an essay revision due today. The perfect time for our monthly goal meetup? Maybe it’ll get me in the writing mood. [Read more…]
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