November Monthly Goal Meetup

I learned one important thing from last month’s goal meetup. Namely, that goals are constantly changing. Which is not to excuse my dismal performance, but I just wanted to warn you…

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What I Learned About Running a Business from Tabatha Coffey

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I channel-surfed my way to Tabatha’s Salon Takeover during today’s lunch break. I had never seen it before and, honestly, had never felt compelled to. What did I care about the trials and tribulations of hair salons across the country?

Silly me. I was quickly sucked into a three-hour marathon (I know) and, aside from constantly wondering where she got that fierce black jacket she’s always wearing, I realized: Tabatha Coffey has a lot to teach me about running a business.

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Link Love: October 23

I broke my promise. One of my October goals was to post to Freelancedom at least three times a week. But this week turned out a little…crazy.

On the I’m-so-stressed end of things, I found blood in my cat’s urine, and had to take him on an emergency trip to the vet. Him: Not thrilled. Me: Freaking out. Vet: It’s no biggie. Whew! [Read more…]

Frustratingly, Making Career Decisions Is Not All About What’s Best For You


Career dissatisfaction has been creating a lot of tension in my marriage lately. While my husband has been struggling to build a web business on top of his full-time job — leaving little opportunity for us to spend quality time together — my freelance work has languished, causing my hubby to feel even more pressure to earn. [Read more…]

Link Love: October 17

What a week.

On Monday, I braved a bus ride into the city in order to interview for a sweet-sounding part-time gig with a web magazine I’ve always admired. Both the office environment and the job description were even more compelling than I [Read more…]

InternInc: LinkedIn for the Student Set

interninc logo

I have to admit. I usually mark most of the press releases that pop up in my inbox as spam. After all, I’m of the mind that these typically untargeted e-mails are just as insidious as the random penile enhancement e-mails my spam folder actually catches.

But then I received an e-mail about InternInc — a new social networking site that touts itself as “Facebook meets LinkedIn for students, employers and universities” — and I was intrigued. I’ve always thought that internships were invaluable for gaining experience, making connections, and trying out new industries commitment-free, and a social networking site that connected students with established internship programs sounded, well, genius.

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Breakneck Book Report: Stephanie Dickison’s The 30-Second Commute

30-second commute

I wanted to read this book for the same reason I am always wanting to refresh my Twitter feed every three and a half minutes, and for the same reason my Google Reader is filled up with other writers’ blogs, and for the same reason I love lit events, though I could easily enjoy a book in the comfort of my own home: I love connecting with other writers. It makes me feel less alone.

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Link Love: October 9

Last night, I watched my CNN segment air on the local news and — as I sat there cringing while the camera zoomed in on the framed engagement photo hanging on the wall — it hit me: Not only am I potentially embarrassing myself, but I’m also potentially embarrassing my family. Who wants to be associated with the slightly overweight shopaholic who lied to her husband about her purchases, eventually racking up thousands of dollars in debt!? Luckily, my family is understanding, and excited about the media attention I’ve received. My mother half-jokingly told me she thought I did well…but was glad I was identified by my married name. Thank god because, as a writer (and especially as a sex writer), almost everything I do revolves around self-disclosure.

Aside from that bit of excitement, the week wasn’t incredibly productive. I’ve been sick, and have felt less than motivated. But I did squeeze some reading in:

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Telecommuting to Class


For several years now, I have believed that office environments are breeding grounds for time suckage, that commuting creates wasted hours, and that telecommuting is the most efficient way to get shit done.

So why is it that I’ve been so reluctant to switch from the in-person, traditional classroom to online learning?

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Are You Scared, Too?

me and magazines

I’ve always had a thing for glossy magazines.

It started with Highlights and, since then, I’ve subscribed to maybe 30 or 40 different titles (seven of which I’m still subscribed to now). And while they’ve never held the same allure for me as those thick paperbacks I’m constantly losing myself in, they provided me with something even better: a vision of my future as a writer.

I was going to write up a different post today. One on the benefits of online education. But then I was blindsided by the news that Conde Nast is folding Gourmet, Cookie, Modern Bride, and Elegant Bride, and I felt a sharp pang of sadness, followed by a little shiver of fear.

Have you guys felt it, too?

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