Link Love: April 24

I’ve been feeling a bit off this week. I was away from my computer for four days, having gone up to Boston to see my father-in-law run in the Boston Marathon, and have yet to regain my stride, despite the rewrites and ms edits on my to-do list.

That and the web magazine where I make most of my money has a new CEO, and its future editorial direction is up in the air. I waver between being nervous about the security of my income and mourning the possible end of the pub’s sexy beginnings.

Thank god the rest of the blogosphere is still cranking out quality shit:

Breakneck Book Report: Pamela Slim’s Escape From Cubicle Nation


When I first cracked open the cover of Pamela Slim’s Escape from Cubicle Nation, I wasn’t sure I’d find anything new inside. After all, the title makes it clear that the book is for those still lost in the cubicle jungle.

After remaining lost in its pages, however, for a long weekend trip, I had to acknowledge that there was a wealth of information therein that all of us could benefit from.

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Finding Someone To Drag You to the Finish Line


[Photo via]

This past weekend, I traveled to Boston to see my father-in-law run in the marathon. It was my first marathon ever, and I wasn’t quite sure what it would be like watching a group of people run by.

My husband, my mother-in-law, and I set up shop about 100 yards from the finish line, right outside the Prudential Center and a block or two away from the library. We were lucky enough to get a spot right at the barrier, where I stood poised with my camera, waiting for our runner.

Next to us was a woman with…um…a loud mouth. I wasn’t sure if she was there to see anyone in particular, but she cheered on just about every runner who went past us, referring to the names on the fronts of their shirts.

“Yeah Jan! Whooo! Almost there! Yeah Pam and Steve! Whooo! Doing great!” Nonstop. It was a wonder she still had a voice.

Some of the people around us gave her dirty looks, but I just loved the way she broke through to those runners on the last leg of their journey, giving them the strength to make it those last 100 yards.  I was alost overcome by emotion every time one of them broke out of their running reverie and smiled, or gave her a thumbs up. It seemed to me that she was doing those marathoners a great service.

Sometimes, my work day feels like a marathon — one filled with endless blog posts, pitches, interviews, rewrites, edits, and the like — and I wish I had someone to drag me those last few yards to the end. This is where my own personal freelance support group comes in handy.

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Product Placement Plea: Throw Away Your Smartphones!

Just a week ago, I linked to my review of the Peek Pronto over at the Modern Materialist.

I had been eager to review it as an alternative to the  iPhone or BlackBerry but, in the end, I found it wanting.

In fact, I even went off on a minor rant on how having such a device made me feel more immobile, rather than mobile.

I know that not all of us have this problem, though, which is why I’m trying to reach out to all of you smartphone users in a different way.

After the jump, 5 reasons you shouldn’t spend money on a smartphone:

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My Invoicing Error


The other week, I agreed to copy edit a manuscript for someone.

When asked for a cost estimate, I used my past experience proofing book manuscripts to figure out how long it would take me to get through a 90-page manuscript. Then, I took that number and multiplied it by my hourly rate.

Three and a half hours into the project, it became clear to me that I had drastically miscalculated. The project could actually cost up to three times more than I had previously projected.

I was mortified.

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Link Love: April 17

I’m actually leaving the condo! For more than one hour! This weekend, Michael and I are going up to Boston with his parents to watch his dad run the Boston Marathon. We’re staying through Tuesday. Boston is my favorite place. Hurrah!

Anyways, this means I’ll be attempting to stockpile posts f0r Monday and Tuesday beforehand. We’ll see how I do. But first, let’s get this week’s link love out of the way!

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What To Do With Tax Returns


Ah, Tax Day. We’ve made it (but just barely).

Now it’s time to figure out how to spend the returns.

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Product Placement: Peek Pronto Not Pronto Enough

I was thrilled to have a chance to review the Peek Pronto. Loath to spend money on a smartphone, the cheaper plan for this standalone e-mail device seemed ideal.

In the end, though, even that small cost proved to be not worth it.

Head over here to see my full review.

401(K) for Freelancers


Saving money can be difficult even at the best of times. When your paychecks pop up irregularly, and at odd times, it can be downright frustrating.

Lately, I’ve been struggling to pay down my credit card debt and cover all my bills. I’ve been unable to contribute to the mortgage since October, and I’m desperate to save up money for both a house and my career coaching certification. With so many things to save for, retirement can seem miles away.

Lord knows, though, I don’t want to be living paycheck to paycheck like this into my 90s. Which is why Freelancers Union’s announcement of a freelancers retirement plan is so intriguing.

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Link Love: April 10

Hey there guys! We’ve made it through another week (thank God). I have to admit, there were days where I didn’t feel much like working (like yesterday, when I scanned realtor’s listings online and then obsessively watched HGTV). But I’ve been somewhat inspired by the 31DBBB project going on over at ProBlogger, so that’s what’s kept me going.

Oh! Also, in case you didn’t notice, I’ve added a cute little Twitter badge to the top of my sidebar, courtesy of this fine blogger. I love how colorful it is!

Anyways, down to business. Read:

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