PSA: Freelancedom Forums

Worrying about being all talk and no action, I decided to finally get off my butt this weekend and set up forums for Freelancedom.

I had initially intended to integrate forum software with WordPress, but was having trouble on that end. I mean, I’m not the most web-savvy individual out there. So I finally admitted defeat and set up a forum hosted through Activeboard.

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Link Love: January 23

It’s been a little spotty here at Freelancedom this week, with nothing going up on Wednesday or Thursday (notice how I tried to compensate by putting up an extra post today?).

Forgive me! I was buried in a copy editing project (a former colleague of mine did up a kick-ass parenting book that made me want to conceive) and brainstorming post topics for a possible new editor. So rest assured…I’ve been productive. Not all my time has been spent watching Netflixed episodes of My So-Called Life (every single episode makes me cry).

Anyway, let me shut up and give you what you came for:

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Side Jobs: Go Back To School


Since money became especially tight about four months ago, my mother has been suggesting that I become a substitute teacher. My response? I’m the type of person who can’t even control 4-year-olds. An entire classroom full of any age would eat me alive.

Still, as far as side jobs go, teaching is a good one for freelancers, and I don’t mean subbing. Those who teach classes and workshops in their area of expertise can bring in a good amount of extra cash, in addition to extending their brand, establishing themselves as an expert in their field.

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Product Placement: The Wall Above My Desk

[$179, JCPenney]

I’ve been going back and forth over how to fill the empty wall space above my desk, and I finally decided that I’d like a bulletin board/wall organizer.

The best one I’ve found? The one above, which comes with an iPod dock for charging, 4 USB connectors, and…I think those are speakers!

It’s already come down $20 since I posted about it on MM last week! I’ve been tight for money since Christmas, but am wondering if I should leap.

Don’t Let This Blue Monday Get You Down

[$15, Etsy]

According to British experts, today is supposed to be the most depressing day in history, due to factors such as weather, debt, the passing of Christmas, the failures of our New Year’s resolutions, low motivation levels, etc.

Thing is, I’m still feeling pretty good about things. After the jump, just a few reasons that I shouldn’t succumb to this Blue Monday:

Coffee Break: Freelancing and Freebies

Earlier this week, I got to try out the Keyboard for Blondes. Tonight, I’m having people over for pizza and premixed shots, also for the purpose of review. Some other test drive products in my queue? Bacon-related products, like canned bacon, Baconnaise, and bacon-flavored lip gloss. Anti-muffin top underpants for men. Flying Wish Paper.

Just for shits and giggles…what’s the kookiest book or other product you’ve received for review in the line of duty?

Link Love: January 16

Whew! Friday already, and I am wiped. Though the week started out as a major time-suck (eight hours of the Game Show Network on Sunday…don’t ask), I ended up sending out multiple pitches and letters of interest, got myself another copy editing project and another article assignment, got new clips up at the Frisky and Nerve, and managed to be pretty consistent with the blogging. Go me!

Of course, all that productivity didn’t stop me from obsessively checking my Google Reader and Twitter feeds for updates. The best of what I’ve read lately:

Why It Helps To Review the Basics


Check out this book my husband bought me for Christmas!

(I decided not interpret it is as a commentary on the fact that he’s supporting me, as it was on my Amazon Wish List.)

Allison Hemming — founder of the Hired Guns — wrote Work It! as an antidote to the times…times in which an increasing amount of people are losing their jobs, or are at least worrying about the possibility.

While the majority of the content in her book is aimed at those in the full-time, corporate work force, I found that the lessons therein — especially as they pertained to resumes, networking, and correspondence — were applicable to anyone looking to make money.

And the number one lesson I learned from reading Work It!? It’s never too late to review the basics.

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Take a Breath: How To Make the Most of a Slow Economy


Just the other day, Michelle Goodman posted about how people use their periods of unemployment. I commented thusly:

“The hours and days immediately following the loss of your income are incredibly fraught…filled with panic and desperation.

This is followed by the realization that you’ve been given a gift…the gift of time. Time to take for yourself. Time to be really really picky about the next job you choose.

As this period of time lengthens (and lengthens), you return to panic. And so it goes…”

The same holds true for those slow periods in a freelancer’s life, when the products seem to dry up and clients are suddenly MIA.

Do you panic and desperately grab at any old thing during these pauses in incoming work? Here are three ideas for more healthy and productive ways to utilize your newly empty hours. Feel free to add more in the comments!

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Product Placement: Monogrammed Stationery


Though we live an an Internet age, nothing beats the personal touch inherent in a snail mail-sent note.

And when running your own business, there’s no better way to show a client your appreciation. It’ll make you stand out from the pack like nothing else.

I’ve been looking into getting monogrammed or personalized stationery for just this reason, but I don’t want it to be blah.

My personali picks after the jump strike a nice balance between professionalism and personality:

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