6 Things I Like About My So-Called Freelance Life

In the midst of blogging, Christmas shopping, and tree trimming, I’ve been sneaking away all week to steal some alone time with My So-Called Freelance Life, the most recent freelance survival guide from alt-work guru Michelle Goodman. And let me tell you. It is good.

Which is why I’m taking a break from our usual Thursday interview to introduce you to a true source of infinite wisdom, in paperback form.

Honestly? This is the book I wish I had a year ago.

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Words of Wisdom: Getting Your Ass In Gear

From Michelle Goodman’s My So-Called Freelance Life:

“Take a page from Molly Crabapple and get your friends in on the act: ‘For big, long-term goals, I’ve found loudly bragging about what I’m going to do makes me do it,’ says the award-winning illustrator… ‘Otherwise, I have to face the humiliation of public failure.’ (Talk about incentive.)”

Product Placement: My Xmas Wish List

[$15, Old Navy]

I know that I just wrote about doing without, but I can’t help myself. I have a wish list every Christmas, and this year is no different. And besides. It’s Product Placement Tuesday (for at least four more hours, anyway).

After the jump, some business-related gifts I wouldn’t mind receiving, like the slipper boots above, which would keep my tootsies nice and toasty whilst working from home. Leave your own wish list items in the comments!

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Shameless Self-Promotion: Dating Advice From…Engineers

Check out my latest over at Nerve!

While some may think it counterintuitive to ask nerdy engineer-types for dating advice, I have dated quite a number of them, and can assure you that they are goofy, fun, sincere, and effing hot. Some of their responses for this piece gave me quite the chuckle.

Doing Without: When Spending $ is the Name of Your Game

During the past few days, I’ve been stockpiling holiday gift guide posts for Modern Materialists, trying to find the perfect stocking stuffers and splurges for word nerds, history buffs, and burgeoning scientists. In the midst of all of this — and already well aware of the wrongheadedness of a products blog in the midst of a recession — I read this post over at Gawker, on the (questionable) future of luxury magazines.

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The Infinite Wisdom of Others: Katy Lindamood

Hey there everybody! I returneth from a looong day of pigging out with my husband’s extended fam, and man do I feel wiped out. The turkey was divine, but I think the twice-baked potatoes were my favorite. I digress, though.

As Thanksgiving conflicted with my usual Wisdom of Others post, and as I didn’t want to give this week’s purveyor of wisdom short shrift, I held off for a day. Take a peek after the jump for my e-interview with freelance writer/blogger Katy Lindamood.

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Thank God for Freelancedom!

…and by freelancedom, I mean my somewhat charmed lifestyle, in which I actually enjoy my work to the extent that I have trouble calling it a day, and in which I get to wear my Cookie Monster pants and fuzzy socks all. day. long if I so choose.

Though by all means. Place Freelancedom on your list of things to be thankful for this year.

Some other things I’m thankful for:

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Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

In these times of necessary financial restraint (boo!), it’s more important than ever before to make sure that you’re setting your rates at a level you deserve, and that you’re receiving full compensation for the work that you do.

This has always been a struggle for me. When in an office setting, I was never aggressive enough to pursue or negotiate the raises I felt I deserved, and now that I’m a freelancer, setting fair rates seems an impossible task!

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Coffee Break: My Dream Office

I spoke too soon! My new wireless adapter has wreaked havoc, malfunctioning and eventually causing my computer to self-destruct. I am…not happy (to put it mildly).

Tonight will include another trip to the tech-type store, to buy a network card and a cable allowing me to directly connect to the Internet. Finally!

All this grappling with my home office equipment has started me daydreaming about what else (like, besides a cable) I’d like for my dream office. I already have my ideal office chair, but there are a few other things I wouldn’t mind picking up (or being gifted…hint hint…):

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The Infinite Wisdom of Others: Chantal Panozzo

Hey there everyone! This is Chantal. She leads the glamorous life of a writer living abroad, and as such, you shall all be jealous of her. Especially after reading my interview with her, after the jump. Enjoy!

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