Writer’s Block, Ennui, and Other Barriers to Productivity

[Photo via]

Aaaand I’m back, thanks to a new wireless g USB network adapter. Yes, I spent the bulk of today losing my shit as my Internet connection went down every five minutes. As a result, I was able to squeeze in three Modern Materialist posts, but not much else.

But that’s not the only reason it’s been quiet around here this week, and that’s why I’m writing this post.

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Coffee Break: Let’s Passively Make More $ While We Drink Our Coffee

Things have been looking up here, finance-wise, despite the fact that I still haven’t found another regular gig. I’ve gotten three new clips, with a fourth on the way, and also talked my way into a bit of a “raise.” Huzzah!

It’s not enough, of course, which is why I read the following two blog posts with such interest:

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The Infinite Wisdom of Others: Kristine Brite

The teeny-tiny person pictured above is Kristine Brite,a freelance writer and blogger over at teleTwenties, and our next interview subject. (She also featured me on her site yesterday.)

As always, do e-mail me if you’re interested in being interviewed next. And now, Kristine’s words of wisdom:

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PSA: A Day In My Life

Check me out over at teleTwenties, one of the latest additions to my Google Reader. There, freelance writer Kristine Brite shows a day in my life.

Plus, she includes that photo of me where my hair looks perfect.

8 Staffing Agencies That Love Creatives

As you well know, I’ve been struggling lately with how, exactly, to find the perfect balance between my freelance work and more regular income sources. The state of the economy hasn’t been helping, and so I’ve been considering other options, including the utilization of staffing agencies.

My previous experiences with staffing agencies were as a college student, looking for temp work during my breaks. I worked with one temp agency down in Central New Jersey, which was able to find me fairly regular work within the nonprofit sector. The other agency — much closer to where I’m living now — didn’t often have much to offer. Which is why I hadn’t seriously considered such avenues when the New York Sun first folded.

Now, having come closest to paying work with the help of two such agencies, I’ve been forced to reconsider their effectiveness.

After the jump, eight staffing agencies that specialize in the creative industries:

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Coffee Break: A Place To Get Away

When your home and your office happen to be one and the same, it can be tough to ever truly let go, unless you actually leave the building. And finding a spot to unwind at home can be even more difficult when you’re living in a small space.

After remaining inside my condo for four days straight, it occurred to me that I have nowhere to go just go get away…no means of escape…

Unless you count my Wednesday night callanetics classes, an hour of stretching and pulsing that simultaneously relaxes me and deeply works my muscles.

I’d be interested in hearing how all of you escape the daily grind. Is there a special spot in your home, or is there a place you flee to in your car when things get especially stressful?

The Infinite Wisdom of Others: Susan Johnston

Welcome to week 2 of the Infinite Wisdom of Others! This week, I’ve branched out, and have a subject who is not in any way related to me. Bonus! After the jump, Susan Johnston — an extremely prolific freelance writer — subjects herself to my questions.

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Shameless Self-Promotion: Me on The Frisky!

The fastest turnaround I’ve ever seen, here’s another sex party piece I wrote for The Frisky.

It’s fun to be doing my own stuff again!

4 Ways To Find Sources

As a writer who has focused primarily on short-form blogging and personal essays, hunting down sources has never been a huge part of the work that I do. A portfolio that relies solely upon the self, however, can become an echo chamber. At some point in your writing career, It’s important to bring in new and differing perspectives.

Where to turn when you need an expert, and fast?

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Product Placement: Your Lucky Outfit

Every wardrobe has that seemingly magical piece that can’t bring yourself to get rid of. The top that ensures the second date. The suit that makes you strut. The lucky pendant that just makes you feel…safer and more confident. It’s why I haven’t been able to get rid of this jacket that I’ve had for the past eight years, despite the fact that the inner lining is ripped to shreds. A long, denim jacket that fits snugly around the waist, purchased in an H&M in Graz, Austria, it’s been getting compliments for as long as I’ve had it. Putting it on makes me feel like an instant superhero.

Your business attire should make you feel the same way. At the very least, you should have one winning outfit that you wear to consultations and business meetings (you know…when you’re not sitting in front of your computer in pjs and fuzzy socks…). This outfit should make you feel invincible, unstoppable, the right one to do the job.

After the jump, some pieces I wouldn’t mind having in my closet. Bonus: I struggle to put together a men’s outfit as well. (Unfortunately, I’m no Stacey or Clinton.)

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