It’s been a productive week. Since taking my hubby’s advice and scheduling my days into blocks of time for each project on my plate, I’ve been getting my blogging done more quickly, and I’ve finished up two projects that had been hanging over my head for weeks. And I’ve still had time to read! After the jump, some of my favorite articles and blog posts from the past week:
Link Love: May 2
Obviously, I’ve been having trouble holding it together in the face of the changes mentioned last week.
As I wait, white-knuckled, for updates fed to me piece by piece, it’s become tougher and tougher to concentrate on my other work.
One ray of sunshine: The personal essay I had sweated over for the site — a first draft and two rewrites — will finally be running this coming Monday (knock on wood). A single caveat: It’s been shortened even further, to account for the new direction of the site, in which such essays will be far less sprawling.
Instead of blogging here, or working on rewrites, or copy editing manuscripts, I’ve been obsessively refreshing my Google Reader and my Twitter feed so, at the very least, I do have some link love to share with you, albeit one day late. Check it out:
Link Love: April 24
I’ve been feeling a bit off this week. I was away from my computer for four days, having gone up to Boston to see my father-in-law run in the Boston Marathon, and have yet to regain my stride, despite the rewrites and ms edits on my to-do list.
That and the web magazine where I make most of my money has a new CEO, and its future editorial direction is up in the air. I waver between being nervous about the security of my income and mourning the possible end of the pub’s sexy beginnings.
Thank god the rest of the blogosphere is still cranking out quality shit:
Link Love: April 17
I’m actually leaving the condo! For more than one hour! This weekend, Michael and I are going up to Boston with his parents to watch his dad run the Boston Marathon. We’re staying through Tuesday. Boston is my favorite place. Hurrah!
Anyways, this means I’ll be attempting to stockpile posts f0r Monday and Tuesday beforehand. We’ll see how I do. But first, let’s get this week’s link love out of the way!
Link Love: April 10
Hey there guys! We’ve made it through another week (thank God). I have to admit, there were days where I didn’t feel much like working (like yesterday, when I scanned realtor’s listings online and then obsessively watched HGTV). But I’ve been somewhat inspired by the 31DBBB project going on over at ProBlogger, so that’s what’s kept me going.
Oh! Also, in case you didn’t notice, I’ve added a cute little Twitter badge to the top of my sidebar, courtesy of this fine blogger. I love how colorful it is!
Anyways, down to business. Read:
Link Love: April 3
This week has been weird.
On Sunday, I had two other bloggers over from the Modern Materialist for the purpose of test driving vodka. I’d been avoiding vodka since college, so I was hit particularly hard.
On Monday, I awoke with a hangover that lasted for the entirety of the day. I slept in until 12 and got almost nothing done, aside from two blog posts and the completion of a first draft on an article. This threw me off for the rest of the week.
Throughout the week, I also: went out on two “school nights” in a row (salsa class and a jazz show); spent a lot of time transcribing interviews from my bed; and kissed my husband goodbye for the weekend (he left last night, totally tricking me into believing that the weekend had come early).
The result? I have been doing some major slacking. But I haven’t stopped reading, so here’s your weekly link love:
Link Love: March 27
I’ve been hella busy lately, but have still been attempting to put up at least three Freelancedom posts a week. Please don’t leave meeee!!!
Bribery: This week’s link love.
Link Love: March 20
It’s weird. I’ve been feeling oddly discouraged lately, despite the fact that I’m working on pieces for two great publications. Luckily, I’ve been finding plenty to inspire me, on both Twitter and my Google Reader. Enjoy!
Link Love: March 13
It’s been a lazy week. Lazy, as in I was so thrown off by Wednesday’s on-site copy editing gig in Brooklyn that I was too lazy to post here on either Wednesday or Thursday. Will you forgive me if I provide you with some alternate reading material?
Link Love: March 6
I am so. pooped. I spent yesterday blogging, troubleshooting with RCA, landing a temp gig, doing product reviews, researching a story for Babble, and going over edits with my Nerve editor. And salsa-dancing. Here is your weekly link love. I’m taking a Nutella break: