PSA: A Facebook Fan Page and Guest Posts Galore

It’s been a bit quiet here at Freelancedom, aside from the occasional service piece, and a handful of biz-related announcements. Why? I’ve been preparing for my 5 Weeks to Freelance Awesome e-course: pitching guest posts, drawing up the lesson plans, building up the platform. I’m on the home stretch with an e-book I’ve been working on with Ian Kerner since last year. I’ve been looking at houses and trying to make babies. And dude. I have been all over this here Internet.

If you’ve been dying for a fix of Steph Auteri awesomeness (and of course you have), here are a few new places where you can get it.

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Getting It All Done: Your Master To-Do List

things to do

[Photo via]

For the entire month of August, I worked 14-hour days: I blogged, did essay rewrites, researched and interviewed up a storm for several story assignments, and proofread direct mail copy.

The only thing missing was the self-marketing, which is why — as I finish up a ton of projects — I have nothing new on the horizon (nothing concrete, anyway).

No matter how much talent you have, you won’t succeed without a business-side sensibility. So. How can I get it all done? After the jump, the way my days should run: [Read more…]

Resource Roundup: 4 Time Management Applications


[Image via]

Since scheduling my days into blocks of time dedicated to specific projects, I’ve been much more productive (we’ll discount the latter half of May for a multitude of reasons…), miraculously finishing up projects that had previously kept on falling to the bottom of my list of priorities.


While I have my personal schedule stored only in my noggin, on my weaker days (like that day I got sucked into a Tales from the Darkside marathon after sitting in front of the TV for a lunch break), I probably could have benefited from some sort of time management application.

Because I hope you can succeed where I have failed, I present to you 4 time tracking applications that will help you stay on…well…track:

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