Link Love: March 27, 2010

It’s been a busy week, and my poor ebook keeps falling to the bottom of the heap in terms of priorities. After all, who has time to whip up a book when there’s an office job to stay on top of, clients to coach, copy to be written, and blog posts to be…well…blogged? Still, my new web platform is slated to launch at the beginning of April (see: clock ticking). And my new web platform will have a products page filled with coaching packages that can be ordered directly through the site. And an additional item — available to order as a standalone product — will be my ebook. Yes, I am currently employing my oh-shit face.

Which is why I’m hunkering down this weekend (my sniffles have effectively quashed the desire to go outside, anyway) and working on nothing but Job Hopping for Word Nerds. Luckily, a good number of you have weighed in with ideas on what I might include in my ebook. Which makes my job a lot easier. (I love you guys.)

Before ร‚ย brew another pot of coffee, however, and chain myself to the laptop, here are a few pieces you might find worth a read:


  1. Thanks for the link love, Steph! My own ebook comes out next month, and I had the same problem getting it done. One thing that helped motivate me was that I paid someone to design the cover, and once it was done my reaction was “Wow! This is starting to feel real!” and “Now that I’ve invested money, I better get it written.” I also hired someone to proofread it and knowing I’d promised to get her a draft by X date was another motivator. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy writing!

  2. Hi Steph,

    I love your honesty about how things are going for you. It’s damn hard to not only juggle all that you are doing but somehow fit writing a book into it.

    I wrote mine in fits and starts and whenever I could spare a minute (on the subway, waiting for an appointment, etc.) on my smartphone. Those little increments really added up and resulted in a ton of pages that I couldn’t have written at home – as I was trying to write as much as possible for income!

    However, there may come a time where you have to just set aside other things in order to finish it, edit it, etc.

    Now working on 2 book proposals, I realize the value of an outline and instead of having a daily page count, I just try for a week’s pages. It helps to take the pressure off, at least a little bit!

    Good luck, Steph, and know that you have my support and my appreciation for all of your constant wisdom and guidance at Freelancedom*!

    Warmest wishes and big hugs,

    Stephanie Dickison

  3. @Susan: I’m so excited for your ebook! What was the cover design process like? Did you approach your designer with an idea already in mind? And how are you handling the formatting of the ebook? And pricing? I have a few resources and how-tos saved, but I’m sort of figuring things out as I go along.

    @Stephanie: Thank you for the kind words! I’m sometimes worry that my blatant honesty will come back to bite me in the butt but, at this point, I almost can’t be any other way. I’m excited that you’re working on some more books! Any hints on the subject matter? ๐Ÿ™‚

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