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You want the lowdown on how to get your book published…the sooner the better? Let me lay it out for you. First: Catch the writing bug. You know the one I’m talking about. The one where you can’t see yourself doing anything else and so spend your every free moment putting word to page, churning out three novels in as many years, yet coming up against rejection after rejection. Next: Experience desperation and disillusionment. Take on a mind-numbing job writing about things you care nothing about. At least you’ll have a steady paycheck, and can say that — technically — you’re a published writer. After that: Decide to do something crazy, like writing a book about writing a book, in the hopes that said book will actually be published. Swiftly realize that such a prospect is completely unwieldy, and utterly insane. And yet: Find yourself an agent, and then an editor, willing to give you a chance. Actually publish said book.
And there you have it.
Oh wait…I suppose that’s not how it’s always been done. But that’s how Stephen Markley did it.
The Vulnerability of Writers
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Oh, writers.
We already have it tough enough, what with being our own worst critics and all.
Unfortunately, launching our words out into the world also opens us up to the criticism of others, criticism that can be either constructive or just plain cruel.
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