How To Pitch: The Basics

[Image via]

I don’t typically write about writing here. Or at least I try not to. Not directly.

I try to keep my content inclusive to all freelancers, despite how obvious it is that I’m a total booktard, and a slave to producing content.

But this past Monday marked the beginning of the FLX Query Challenge, a friendly, biannual competition in which teams rack up points depending upon how many queries they send out each week, and how many assignments they land. I’ve been on a pitching hiatus for awhile now — due to my new job at YourTango, my career coaching certification program, and an ongoing copywriting project — but I’m excited to start putting out feelers again … especially since I’m a team leader this time around.

So for all those writers out there — writers who are trying to get back into the pitching rhythm, writers who have been pitching all along (show-offs), and writers who are just starting out — I thought I’d put up a refresher on the pitch process.

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Product Placement: All Your Bright Ideas


[$18 for set of 3, Etsy]

I carry a polka-dotted notebook in my purse at all times. There is a collection of moleskines on my desk. And I have the NiteNote tucked away in a drawer underneath my bed.

But that’s not all. In my hall closet, there is a large plastic container filled entirely with blank notebooks, some purchased in various B&Ns and stationery shops…most gifted to me by those who are aware of my enduring notebook love.

You’d think that would be enough to last me a lifetime, but I’m always on the lookout for something new, cute, and small enough to fit in my purse.

Which is why I’m digging these Bright Ideas pocket notebooks on Etsy. Because lord knows I could use a few more bright ideas.

[Via Design Dish]

Related: Product Placement: NiteNote, Product Placement: Freelancedom Survival Kit